

Created 2022

Welcome to Käsediebe, a food blog dedicated to cooking and baking recipes. Initially created to digitize my personal recipe book, Käsediebe provides easy-to-follow recipes that you can access both online and offline on any device. The app currently features over 55 recipes and more than 150 ingredients. It includes a search function to easily find recipes or ingredients, and you can also mark your favorite recipes for quick access.

User Interface

User Interface Home Screen User Interface Recipe Screen User Interface Menu Screen User Interface Search Screen User Interface Category Screen User Interface Empty Favorites Screen


Building Käsediebe, my food blog, required a combination of technologies and infrastructure to ensure a seamless and efficient user experience. Here's an overview of the tools and services that power the application: To expedite the development process, I utilized Tailwind CSS and daisyUI . These tools provided prebuilt components that allowed me to build my app efficiently without spending too much time on design details. As a static site generator, Astro plays a crucial role in my workflow. It enables me to quickly generate all the pages for my blog during build time, ensuring fast load times and a smooth user experience. For the interactive client-side components, I employed SolidJS , which allows me to create dynamic elements that enhance the overall functionality of the site. For content management, I chose Contentful , a headless CMS that as a flawless integration with Astro. This combination makes maintaining my blog effortless and straightforward. I host my application on Netlify , which provides reliable and efficient hosting services. To implement instant search functionality, I integrated Algolia . It is directly connected to my Contentful space, ensuring that whenever I publish a new recipe, Contentful triggers a webhook. This webhook updates the Algolia search index and initiates a build and deployment of my app on Netlify, keeping everything up-to-date seamlessly.